West Valley Disposal Service provides an array or recycling services to the commercial sector in both Tracy and the surrounding county. Among them are:
- Corrugated (Cardboard)
- Local businesses can reduce their need for waste disposal by breaking down cardboard boxes. West Valley Disposal provides both “dumpsters” and debris boxes ranging in size from 2 cubic yards up through 40 cubic yards. The cardboard is picked up either by a disposal truck on a regular route or by a roll-off truck on an “as needed” basis. While there is no charge for this service, no payment is made to the customer.
- West Valley Disposal provides businesses and industries that generate large quantities of cardboard either open top debris boxes or compactors. Self-contained or semi-permanent compactors generally involve a contractual agreement and offer the customer with revenue for the material. In fact, many facilities have found that it is more economical to replace high-labor balers with stationary compactors. The value of the cardboard will vary with the recycling market.
- The company also purchases baled or palletized cardboard from a single bale to full truckloads and beyond. The price paid can be pegged to industry standards, established by agreement or set on a case-by-case basis.
- White Office and Other Paper
- West Valley Disposal also provides collection containers for white office paper. Generally, 60 gallon wheeled “toters”, similar to the standard residential garbage or recycling containers, are placed in offices and are collected on either a regular schedule or as needed. All white bond papers, such as letters, computer paper, copy paper, envelopes, etc., are acceptable. This is a waste-reduction, recycling service and provides no payment to the generator.
- Large amounts of white paper often may be recycled for revenue. Each instance will be reviewed individually.
- Newspaper, colored paper and specialty papers are not collected by the company from small quantity generators. Large quantities are evaluated and priced on a case-by-case basis.
- Wood
- Large generators or scrap wood can arrange for a debris box (or boxes) as large as 40 cubic yard capacity. Prices for the service will vary depending on quantity, the nature of the wood, cleanliness, etc.
- Plastics and Glass
- West Valley Disposal can provide containers for either specific grades of plastic or color sorted glass. Each case is evaluated individually.
- Plastic film, shrink-wrap, stretch-wrap, etc. can be recycled either as a distinct commodity or mixed with other materials. Each case will require review.
Whatever the commodity, it can often be recycled thereby reducing waste costs and helping to divert material from landfill.
We believe that good stewardship in not only a way to save money but a way to save the environment!
Please download our current West Valley Disposal Service Guide for additional Recycling Information and California Mandatory Recycling Laws.